woensdag 26 juli 2017

Frontenpark families

Adjacent to the historic centre of Maastricht (NL) is the Frontenpark, for many people unfamiliar territory with a great diversity of scenic, historical and ecological values. Apart from the remnants of 18th-and 19th-century fortifications, you can find traces of the industrial past of Maastricht. Further a number of protected species (e.g. wall lizard, common frog, slow worms, Fox, polecat, hedgehog, various types of mice and bats, and about fifty species of birds.) In Maastricht lives the most northern native population of the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) in Europe. The reptiles are on old fortress walls in both the high and the low fronts.
The pics are made with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80 compact camera

click pic to enlarge

smeerwortel - comfrey, Hoge Fronten

aarmunt - spearmint, Hoge Fronten

gentiaanblauwtje op rode klaver - alcon blue on purple clover, Hoge Fronten

Hoge Fronten

spaanse vlag op koninginnekruid - jersey tiger on hemp-agrimony, Hoge Fronten

gehakkelde aurelia op koninginnekruid - comma on hemp-agrimony, Hoge Fronten

spaanse vlag op koninginnekruid - jersey tiger on hemp-agrimony, Hoge Fronten

parende kleine koolwitjes op braam - mating small whites on blackberry, Hoge Fronten

salie - sage, Hoge Fronten

late guldenroede - tall goldenrod, Hoge Fronten

bont zandoogje - speckled wood, Hoge Fronten

late guldenroede - tall goldenrod, Hoge Fronten

witte mosterd - white mustard, Hoge Fronten

canadese guldenroede - canada goldenrod, Hoge Fronten

bont zandoogje - speckled wood, Hoge Fronten

Hoge Fronten

torenvalk - kestrel, Hoge Fronten

Hoge Fronten

witte mosterd - white mustard, Hoge Fronten

walnoot - walnut, Hoge Fronten

Hoge Fronten

Lage Fronten

knobbelzwaan familie - mute swan family, Lage Fronten

bosrank en vlier - old man's beard and elder, Lage Fronten

meerkoet - coot, Lage Fronten

knobbelzwaan familie - mute swan family, Lage Fronten

wilde eend met kuikens - mallard and chicks, Lage Fronten

Lage Fronten

meerkoet - coot, Lage Fronten

knobbelzwaan met kuikens - mute swan and chicks, Lage Fronten

slangenkruid - blue weed, Lage Fronten

braam - blackberry, Lage Fronten

zeepkruid - soapwort, Lage Fronten

schaduwkruiskruid - wood ragwort, Lage Fronten

muurhagedis - wall lizard, Lage Fronten

Frontenpark logo

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