Discovery of the century in the woodlands of Mount Saint Peter (NL)!!! Wooden shelters still standing and firmly intact! Kids (I suppose) builded their own pre-time village and I took the pics with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80 compact camera after a walk alongside the Albert canal, through Kanne and over Caestert plateau where there was a settlement during the iron-age.
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distelvlinder - painted lady, Vroenhoven field (B) |
atalanta op grote kaardebol - red admiraal on wild teasel, A. canal Vroenhoven (B) |
atalanta en aardhommel - red admiraal and buffed-tailed bumblebee |
hoornaar en bosbandzwever op grote kaardebol - hornet and syrphus torvus on wild teasel |
landkaartje - map, Albert canal Vroenhoven (B) |
boomblauwtje op wilde marjolein - holly blue on oregano, A. canal Kanne (B) |
gehakkelde aurelia op wilde marjolein - comma on oregano, A. canal Kanne (B) |
koevinkje - ringlet, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
vlasbekje - toadflax, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
hooibeestje - small heath, Jeker river Kanne (B) |
aronskelk en klimop - arum and ivy, Caestert plateau (B) |
Kanne bridge and Tiendenberg hill from Caestert plateau (B) |
Caestert plateau (B) |
Mount Saint Peter (B) |
wood-age houses on Mount Saint Peter (NL) |
Devil's cave, Poppelmonde valley (NL) |
braam - blackberry, Biesland Maastricht (NL) |
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