vrijdag 7 juli 2017

archeological discovery: wood age houses on Mount Saint Peter

Discovery of the century in the woodlands of Mount Saint Peter (NL)!!! Wooden shelters still standing and firmly intact! Kids (I suppose) builded their own pre-time village and I took the pics with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80 compact camera after a walk alongside the Albert canal, through Kanne and over Caestert plateau where there was a settlement during the iron-age.

Click pic to enlarge

distelvlinder - painted lady, Vroenhoven field (B)

atalanta op grote kaardebol - red admiraal on wild teasel, A. canal Vroenhoven (B)

atalanta en aardhommel - red admiraal and buffed-tailed bumblebee

hoornaar en bosbandzwever op grote kaardebol - hornet and syrphus torvus on wild teasel

landkaartje - map, Albert canal Vroenhoven (B)

boomblauwtje op wilde marjolein - holly blue on oregano, A. canal Kanne (B)

gehakkelde aurelia op wilde marjolein - comma on oregano, A. canal Kanne (B)

koevinkje - ringlet, Albert canal Kanne (B)

vlasbekje - toadflax, Albert canal Kanne (B)

hooibeestje - small heath, Jeker river Kanne (B)

aronskelk en klimop - arum and ivy, Caestert plateau (B)

Kanne bridge and Tiendenberg hill from Caestert plateau (B)

Caestert plateau (B)

Mount Saint Peter (B)

wood-age houses on Mount Saint Peter (NL)

Devil's cave, Poppelmonde valley (NL)

braam - blackberry, Biesland Maastricht (NL)

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