I arrived in Wolder just in time to hide for the storm on a terrace. The pics are taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80 compact camera on the Dutch-Belgian border between Vroenhoven (B) and Maastricht (NL)
click pic to enlarge
icarusblauwtje op akkerdistel - common blue on field thistle, Vroenhoven trail (B) |
dagpauwoog op akkerdistel - peacock on field thistle, Vroenhoven trail (B) |
dwergblauwtje op wondklaver - small blue on kidney vetch, Albert canal Vroenhoven (B) |
zweefvlieg op koninginnekruid - hoverfly on hemp-agrimony, A. canal Vroenhoven (B) |
hoornaar op bosrank - hornet on old man's beard, A. canal Vroenhoven (B) |
groot koolwitje op luzerne - large white on alfalfa, A. canal Vroenhoven (B) |
citroentje en bladluizen op luzerne - brimstone and plant-lice on alfalfa, Muizenberg (B) |
rolklaver - bird's foot trefoil, Muizenberg hill (B) |
koevinkje - ringlet, Muizenberg hill Kanne (B) |
brunel - self-heal, Muizenberg hill Kanne (B) |
geelgors - yellowhammer, Millennium forest (NL) |
alpaca's, Wolder (NL) |
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