maandag 29 mei 2017

twice a day

I walked the same walk in the evening as this morning with different results. Pics are made with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80, mainly in Belgium alongside the Albert canal in Vroenhoven

click pic to enlarge

Vroenhoven field

zwarte kraai - carrion crow, Vroenhoven field

groentje - green hairstreak, Borderroad Vroenhoven

dagpauwoog op luzerne - peacock on alfalfa, Albert canal

kroosvlindertje - small china-mark, Albert canal

moerasrolklaver - big trefoil, Albert canal

icarusblauwtje op rolklaver - common blue on trefoil, Albert canal

Albert canal

smalle weegbree- narrowleaf plantain, Muizenberg hill Vroenhoven

prachtklokje - peach-leaved bellflower, Muizenberg hill Vroenhoven

smalle weegbree - narrowleaf plantain, Muizenberg hill Vroenhoven

ekster - magpie, Tongerseweg Vroenhoven

jakobskruiskruid - ragwort, Tongerseweg Vroenhoven

rietgras - reed canary grass, Bordertrail Wolder (NL)

spelt - dinky wheat, Bordertrail Wolder

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