vrijdag 22 december 2017

today's weather shots

Between Kanne and Vroenhoven (Belgium) at the Albert canal.
Because of the rain the last couple of weeks, marl lumps broke of the cliff which shows of what the limestone is originated from: fossils of shell and fern of about 70 million years old.

click pic to enlarge

zomerfijnstraal - annual fleabane

ammoniet - ammonite

pissebed - woodlouse

varen - fern

fossiele schelpen - fossil shells

kruiskruid - ragwort

fijnstraal - fleabane

eekhoorntjesbrood - penny bun

spieringtrechterzwam - clitocybe phaeophthalma

botercollybia - collybia butyracea

heksenschermpje - mycena rosea

tweekleurigetrechterzwam - clitocybe metachroa

parelamaniet - amanita rubescens

eikelbekertje - ciboria batschiana

turkse tortel - turtle dove, Wolderfield (NL)

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