donderdag 30 juni 2016

the new border

click pic to enlarge

Since the European Championship football (soccer) Wolder is suddenly part of Belgium, the border is replaced about 1 km to the north in favor of the Belgian town Riemst, by pub owner Coen Smits of the "De Pepel" in order to make a statement in supporting the Red Devils...

The international press (8 TV channels and several newspapers) mentioned it; so for those who want the whole story behind...

woensdag 29 juni 2016

the Jeker river Swan couple, but no chicks

click pic to enlarge

I spook to a man who walked his dog, and he told me that the Swans had 2 chicks. First they lost one, and later the other one, probably to rats that live in the river banks. That means that the nest was not disturbed by the heavy rainfall while breading, but the result is eventually the same unfortunately