I walked the same route as I did yesterday, short because of the heat, but came back with different pictures. First I saw a rare species which I spotted a lot during the first Summer I lived here (2012), and after that never saw it again until today: the belted beauty, a moth that has almost disappeared in the low countries. I had an encounter with a buzzard that flew up right in front of me and my camera was open and ready to take a picture of an insect, which I didn't find anymore afterwards. I was able to take 2 good shots, (some more but the rest is too blurred to show) And than the wolf in the field, which is a Siberian Husky of course, but still, it delivered some nice shots. The pics are made with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80, mainly in Belgium alongside the Albert canal in Vroenhoven.
click pic to enlarge
Vroenhoven field |
bont zandoogje - spekled wood, Vroenhoven trail |
klaproos - poppy, Vroenhoven trail |
rouwrandspanner - belted beauty, Borderroad Vroenhoven |
vogelwikke - tufted vetch, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
Albert canal Vroenhoven (B) |
weidehavikskruid - meadow hawkweed, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
vals witje - black-veined moth, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
heideblauwtje - silver-studded blue, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
bruin blauwtje - brown argus, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
buizerd - buzzard, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
wilde margriet met bochelaars- en latrine vliegen, tinkerbell and flies, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
echt bitterkruid - hawkweed oxtongue, Albert canal Vroenhoven |
prachtklokje - peach-leaved bellflower, Muizenberg hill Vroenhoven |
Cannerberg hill Wolder (NL) from Muizenberg hill (B) |
Wolder field from Muizenberg hill |
rolklaver - bird's foot trefoil, Muizenberg hill Vroenhoven |
the wolf in the field (Siberian Husky) Wolder field (NL) |
akkerwinde - field bindweed, Wolder field |
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