I changed the Cannon Ixus 180 for a Panasonic Lumix DMC TZ80 and have to admit that the results are stunning. A greater reach (up to 1.5 km) and sharper pics thanks to the Leica lens. The camera is steady and even in the wind we have lately it was possible to do macro shots f.e. of the common blue butterfly or a tiny moth. See for yourself.
The pics are all made on the Dutch - Belgian Limburgian border between Maastricht and Riemst
click pic to enlarge
the first victim was my cat Paco |
akkerboterbloem - corn buttercup, Vroenhoven field |
icarusblauwtje - common blue, Albert canal |
bruine vuurvlinder - sooty copper, Albert canal |
icarusblauwtje - common blue, Albert canal |
zachte ooievaarsbek - dove's-foot crane's bill, Albert canal |
vogelwikke - tufted vetch, Albert canal |
vogelmelk - star-of-bethlehem, Albert canal |
dagkoekoeksbloem - red campion, Caestert plateau |
salomonszegel - solomon's seal, Caestert plateau |
Montagne Saint Pierre |
Meuse river |
Montagne Saint Pierre |
judaspenning - honesty, Caestert plateau |
parasolzwam - parasol mushroom, Caestert plateau |
Sint Pietersberg - Mount Saint Peter |
soldaatje - military orchid, Poppelmonde valley |
soldaatje, slanke sleutelbloem - military orchid, oxlip, Poppelmonde valley |
slanke sleutelbloem - oxlip, Poppelmonde valley |
ratelaar - rattle, Poppelmonde valley |
grote boomspanner - tissue moth, Poppelmonde valley |
salomonszegel - solomon's seal, Poppelmonde valley |
soldaatje - military orchid, Poppelmonde valley |
akelei - columbine, Mergelweg |
aardhommel en akkerwikke - buff-tailed bumblebee and common vetch, Susserweg |
olhbeestje - lady bug, Susserweg |
nachtkoekoeksbloem - night-flowering catchfly, Susserweg |
Cannerberg hill |
Riemst (taken from Cannerberg hill +/- 1.5 km) |
schijnaardbei - mock strawberry, Cannerberg hill |
zwarte wegslak - black slug, Cannerberg hill |
paardebloem - dandelion, Cannerberg hill |
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