I repost some yesterday pics (peregrine falcon) which I have sharpened. They where fuzzy because of the distance and the dark light underneath the trees. The road alongside the Albert canal was closed today because of Maastricht's Iron Man, maybe that was the reason that I spotted some butterflies I didn't see here before. These pics are made in the area of the Cannerberg hill (NL) and Albert canal (B) with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ80 compact camera
click pic to enlarge
slechtvalk - peregrine falcon, Observant Mt St Peter (NL) |
vos - fox, Cannerberg hill (NL) |
gelderse roos met dambordvlieg - guelder rose and flesh fly, Millennium forest (NL) |
sleedoorn - hawthorn, Millennium forest (NL) |
braam - blackberry, Millennium forest (NL) |
eikenbladzwam - collybria dryophila, Canne forest (NL) |
boomblauwtje op liguster - holly blue on privet, Kanne (B) |
braam - blackberry, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
spaanse vlag op koninginnekruid - jersey tiger on hemp-agrimony, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
kolibrievlinder op distel - hummingbird hawk-moth on thistle, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
bruin blauwtje - brown argus, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
platbuik - broad-bodied chaser, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
keizersmantel - silver-washed fritillary, Albert canal Kanne (B) |
spaanse vlag op koninginnekruid - jersey tiger on hemp-agrimony, Albert canal Vroenhoven (B) |
nijlgans familie - egyptian goose family, Albert canal Vroenhoven (B) |
sint-jansvlinder op wilde marjolein - six-spotted burnet on oregano, Albert canal Vroenhoven (B) |
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