That tiny neighborhood at the start of Mount Canne, at the foot of the hill, overlapping Jeker valley till slot Lombok, where just not many people live, a small community bordering Campagne, and Wolder. I cross it very often, just for a local walk. At the same time today I post a larger version of this album on YouTube:
zaterdag 28 juni 2014
That tiny neighborhood at the start of Mount Canne, at the foot of the hill, overlapping Jeker valley till slot Lombok, where just not many people live, a small community bordering Campagne, and Wolder. I cross it very often, just for a local walk. At the same time today I post a larger version of this album on YouTube:
vrijdag 27 juni 2014
Unique and affordable offer of 10 prints by artist Joachim & Kultuur-Fabriek
On my daily walks in the Dutch, Limburgian hills, I take a lot of snapshots with a compact camera: Olympus VG-170. I use these shots (or better; some of them) as a basis for digital art in a mixed media process.
From these series - an average of one art work per day, I offered 10 to the Kultuur-Fabriek for their benefit. They are for sale, and here they are.
Art on Demand Offer
Unique and affordable offer of 10 prints by artist Joachim
These prints come in a limited edition of 50 copies per item, and are printed in high artist quality on hand picked paper. Each print is signed and numbered by the artist
The prize per print is 125 Euro. For the complete series of 10 copies the prize is 1000 euros. The sizes per picture are: 26,4 x 19,8 cm (8 pieces), en 35 x 19,7 cm (2 pieces)
The Prints
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Apostelhoeve |
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Duivelsgrot |
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Generaalshuis |
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Romeinse baan |
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Mergelland schapen |
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Kanne |
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Wolder |
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Wolderveld |
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Jeker park |
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Alberkanaal |
woensdag 25 juni 2014
Just a small piece of Mount Canne (Cannerberg)
To walk new shoes, don't go to far, if you don't want blisters on your feet. That is what I did; just a little bit uphill, and the next road (Dalingsweg) back down again: a Wolder-walk, if you want, and still it's impossible to shoot the same pics as before. That's so splendid of nature: It changes every minute! For the best result go to YouTube: just a small piece of mount Canne
dinsdag 24 juni 2014
Manus van alles festival
A local festival; just a short film, but we where absolutely impressed by the Tuareg tent; people who sat there, serving tea to anyone who was interested, and showing them what life the people in Africa have to live (Mali) The color of the water they have to drink is darker than the tea we got served. For optimum result got to YouTube: Manus van ales festival
maandag 23 juni 2014
Wolder round
Or around Wolder, that old and former village, now belonging to Maastricht; for those who don't know yet: it is situated in the south of the Netherlands, in a province called Limburg, where the landscape is not flat and dull, as everyone thinks abroad, but bumpy and hilly, with height up to 300 meters above sea level. To see the best result of this compilation movie, got to YouTube: Wolder round
zondag 22 juni 2014
Het Albertkanaal: de waterweg tussen Antwerpen en Luik, waarin hier maar een klein stukje als foto’s zijn opgeslagen. Tussen oktober 2013 en juni 2014 liep ik op verschillende tijdstippen en over beide oevers tussen Veldwezelt (Lanaken) en Lanaye (Bessange). Dit is het verslag.
Het werd gegraven in de dertiger jaren van de vorige eeuw. Met schop en houweel, handenarbeid, om de Schelde met de Maas te verbinden. Er moesten dorpen verdwijnen, bruggen gebouwd, waar men eerst gewoon over land naar elkaar toe kon lopen.
In Limburg, zowel Belgisch als Nederlands, loopt het deels vlak langs de grens, tussen Lanaken en Lanaye, waar de sluis in verbinding staat met de Maas. Er moesten heuvels worden verzet; geen simpele klus, zeker in die jaren, al kon de gewonnen mergel goed als grondstof worden gebruikt.
De heuvels werden gekliefd; hele gangstelsels kwamen bloot te liggen, maar er ontstond ook een micro klimaat op de hellingen van de laag gelegen vallei. Goed voor flora en fauna, en soorten die elders niet of nauwelijks voorkomen, tieren hier welig.
De jaagpaden vormen een makkelijke wandelweg, zonder te klimmen tussen beide dorpen is nergens anders mogelijk. Hier een verslag in foto’s. Veel plezier.
diverse bloeiwijzen sieren de oevers in de lente. Van boven naar en van links naar rechts: Gele kamille, Spirea (geitenbaard), Echte kamille, Leeuwetand, en Biggekruid
zaterdag 21 juni 2014
Lombok Walk
A walk to my printer, is half way a walk to Kultuur-Fabriek, just not crossing the Jeker river over slot Lombok. After the work was done I decided to trot back over Susserweg and Mount Canne, and it is amazing what changes in just a few days at this time of the year; officially summer and everything grows so fast, you can't keep up with it ;-) For YouTube quality see: Lombok walk
donderdag 19 juni 2014
Under clouds
Cloudy weather; a grey threatening sky, allows you to make other pictures on the same spot. Light is all in photos, walking through the fields of Vroenhoven and Wolder. Sitting on a terrace what no one does, as they are all afraid that there might be fall a couple drops. Watching new flowers bloom in this diffuse light. For YouTube go to: under clouds
dinsdag 17 juni 2014
Around & around
Every time again it is different, walking almost the same route from Vroenhoven/Wolder field over Mount Canne and Susserweg to Biesland, and over Vroenhovenweg back to Wolder. That is what nature does: change the scenery, highlighting different spots, or just move forward in seasons. For the best result of this video-photo-compilation go to YouTube: around & around
woensdag 11 juni 2014
Jeker river
a shocking film, taken out the bare hand with only a compact camera, giving a quick impression of a winterish scenery in the south of Limburg, under the roof of Maastricht in the Netherlands: the Jeker river this last winter which was not really a winter. For YouTube quality go to: Jeker river
maandag 9 juni 2014
Time / tijd
The one and only god is time
It created the universe, the milky way, the sun, the earth, matter, water, microbes, plants, animals and... us, and in the same reversed order it will let it all disappear again.
De enige ware god is tijd
Het creëerde het universum. de melkweg, de zon, de aarde, materie, water, eencellige, planten, dieren en... ons, en in dezelfde maar omgekeerde volgorde zal het ook alles weer doen verdwijnen.
zondag 8 juni 2014
from Kultuur-Fabriek through Jeker valley
From the office back home, through the valley of the Jeker river. I saw them before, and more of course: their work, but it was the first time that I had the chance to take a photo. The beaver is back in this area, and I think I chased him from under the bushes from which I wanted to take a pic. Sudden he appeared and jumped straight into the river. My camera was ready for the take, and this is the result. For YouTube go to: from Kultuur-Fabriek through Jeker valley
zaterdag 7 juni 2014
Full length Cannerberg
Mount Canne in its full and total length, an agrarian hill with lots of crops, patties and weed alongside the path from Belgium Kanne to Dutch Maastricht Biesland. It was raining while I walked and sometimes I had to shelter under the trees. Visited the terrace I frequent regularly where I sheltered under an umbrella ;-) For the best viewing results go to YouTube: full length Cannerberg
dinsdag 3 juni 2014
Antwerpen / Antwerp
The Belgium harbour city where I lived twice; the last time from october 1996 till april 2002; a vivid city at the border of the river Sceld, a cultural and medieval town center with a lot of traditions, terraces, restaurants and cafes. Visit it if you didn't already do, it won't be a disappointment. For YouTube quality go to: Antwerpen / Antwerp
maandag 2 juni 2014
To the Giant Parade
Just on our way to it; In Maastricht was the 5 yearly Giant Parade: Giants from all over the world, animals, and historic figures walk through the streets of the medieval town center. Lots of visitors, people watching from the side. I will post the whole parade in episodes on my YouTube channel: YouTube Joachimartist
zondag 1 juni 2014
Cannerberg walk
A jig-saw walk over Mount Canne, through the fields, not always following trails or paths, crossing Millennium forrest where I met a couple of girls on bikes trying to ride the narrow steep paths; they turned! Over the slope of the hill where I found a fox hole, and after I took the picture I saw the animal was home; vague but there. For the best result got to YouTube: Cannerberg walk
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